Lizelle Tenten

March 10, 2022

Are you sure you want to stay on the couch?

When my first boy reached the age of three we thought we had it nailed. He understood the concept that each little decision he made had a consequence. That made discipline so much easier. With a simple, “You can choose to make it enjoyable to be around you or excuse yourself and go to your room until you feel better”, we could almost solve any challenge without a meltdown.

But then my second boy arrived. At the age of three, he couldn’t have cared less what the consequences were of his actions or decisions. He knew what he wanted and he was going to get it, no matter what … meltdown included.

We applied exactly the same principles to him as to our first boy. But with no luck. To be honest, he just turned five and we still don’t have it all figured out.

What I am trying to get to is that we are all so completely different. What works for me might not work for you. What I think is wonderful you might think is horrible. That doesn’t make either of us wrong, it just makes us different.

But no matter how different we are from each other one fact will remain, our actions and decisions have consequences - if you want to accept it as my first boy or rebel against it as the second.

So if what we do and the decisions we make have consequences, then where we find ourselves and our surroundings are a direct result of the consequences of the actions and decisions we make.

Yes, I said it. We can’t blame others for what is wrong in our own lives.

If you throw a ball into the air it will come down. If you constantly eat unhealthy you will pick up weight or maybe even get sick. If you exercise you will have more energy. If you don’t declutter your home it will stay a mess.

Hit the reply button with a {heart} if you catch my drift!

About the Author

Over the past 5 years, Lizelle has built a following of thousands of women, sold thousands of copies of her best-selling book and popularized the concept of consciously creating a better life with less stuff through essentialism at home. She also co-founded the DeclutterPro Academy which helps thousands of women quickly get their homes decluttered and organized without having to be minimalists.

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Who is Lizelle Tenten?

Over the past 5 years, Lizelle has built a following of thousands of women, sold thousands of copies of her best-selling book and popularized the concept of consciously creating a better life with less stuff through essentialism at home. She also co-founded the DeclutterPro Academy which helps thousands of women quickly get their homes decluttered and organized without having to be minimalists. 

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