July 22, 2022 Yesterday I found these two outside in their self-made den. They were fierce dragon hunters conspiring and mapping on the wall how they were going to catch a very rare dragon called Night Fury. Wood was stacked in the corner of the den pretending to be a fire keeping them warm. They were

This is nothing new !!!

July 11, 2022 At times it feels like load shedding is tormenting us! All the extra logistical planning just to make sure my hair gets dry, my cellphone is charged, and there is cooked food to feed the always hungry kids. I mean I lose my last bit of energy just thinking about it. But there is

We need more of this!!!

Jun 22, 2022 It is quite fascinating … the less they have the more there is to play with. I saw it again when we spend some time in a cabin in the mountains a while ago. My boys hardly took any toys with them, except for the Lego of course. I mean when we embarked on

It’s All About Memories, Not The Stuff.

Jun 8, 2022 Sometimes it is really hard to see the end from the beginning. And we humans so badly want to know how everything is going to play out. How it is going to end. And if we don’t … we worry. We become mighty worriers. We worry about what has already happened, what is happening,

Mighty worrier or small step taker?

May 31, 2022 My first attempt with watercolor. I just love succulents, so could not resist. I am forever telling you to try something new, make time for yourself, to know what is important to you. And today I had to use my own medicine. We have been going through some tough family challenges lately. And when one

It works !!!

May 20, 2022 Yesterday I was pushing a man in a wheelchair. He has dementia. We are trying to assist him with finding the proper care. But first, we had to renew his identification documentation since he has lost all of it. It was stressful. Him half asleep in the wheelchair, mumbling non-stop, and me praying that

Keep on looking…

May 18, 2022 This pic makes me laugh … like that deep from the stomach kind of laugh … that tears start rolling down your cheeks laugh:-))) The girl on the right really wants to sit next to the boy on the left. He is my eldest. And my eldest really wants to sit next to the

Push back a little bit harder!

May 10, 2022 I call myself a winter person. I don’t mind the cold. The layers of clothing. Being inside for a while. The fire burning. There is a different kind of closeness I experience with my loved ones during this season. But also a closeness with myself.Each season in our lives affects us differently. Each

The 4 Seasons of Decluttering…

May 3, 2022 The fear of movie theatres … The End! Last year I wrote about my boy & his fear of the dark. And how it has kept us from experiencing the joy of watching a movie together as a family. But every now and then we would still ask him if he would like to

The end of fear!

April 11, 2022 So first my boys had to have this mini-size gun … and at first, they were very happy with it. Then they had to have the bigger gun … because according to them bigger is always better. But it was not long after that, that they insisted on getting THE BIG gun! The

Bigger is NOT always better…