Lizelle Tenten

April 11, 2022

So first my boys had to have this mini-size gun … and at first, they were very happy with it. Then they had to have the bigger gun … because according to them bigger is always better. But it was not long after that, that they insisted on getting THE BIG gun! The champion of guns!

First, let me explain. I did not buy them all those guns just because they wanted them. Oh no! One was a gift from my sister, the other was a gift from granny and for the last one, they had to save up the money they get for doing their chores. Unpacking the dishwasher, taking the bin out, tidying up their room, etc. It took them a while though.

One should have thought that all would be happy and good now, but just last week we walked into the shops again and there it was … an even BIGGER gun. The kahuna of all guns! Seriously?

Of course my boys wanted it. But this was where I was putting my foot down. Where is this supposed to end? Except for the fact that they cant get everything they want, they must also learn to be happy and to appreciate what they do have. Right? And these bloody guns in the shops that are just getting bigger every time are not helping.

It is the same with us … we think we are going to be happier if we can just get that bigger couch, or the bigger car or the bigger house. But it does not work that way!!! Stuff can never fill the void you are feeling on the inside. No matter how big the house! Believe me, I was there. I lived in a seven-bedroom house … it was supposed to be our dream house. And still, something was missing.

Sometimes the only way to become bigger (happier, fulfilled, at peace with yourself) is to become smaller first. To get rid of all that stuff that is clogging up your space, your mind, your view, and your life. Declutter!!! And then you start all over again. You surround yourself only with that which is truly important to you. You discard of the noise so that you can hear the small still voice inside of you calling you to greatness.

Send me a {heart}if you can relate with this.

About the Author

Over the past 5 years, Lizelle has built a following of thousands of women, sold thousands of copies of her best-selling book and popularized the concept of consciously creating a better life with less stuff through essentialism at home. She also co-founded the DeclutterPro Academy which helps thousands of women quickly get their homes decluttered and organized without having to be minimalists.

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Who is Lizelle Tenten?

Over the past 5 years, Lizelle has built a following of thousands of women, sold thousands of copies of her best-selling book and popularized the concept of consciously creating a better life with less stuff through essentialism at home. She also co-founded the DeclutterPro Academy which helps thousands of women quickly get their homes decluttered and organized without having to be minimalists. 

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