March 31, 2022 I have been avoiding this moment like forever! Taking my youngest to the dentist. Mainly because I did not have the energy for the possible meltdown, or even worse … what if I could not even get him onto that chair? He has quite a will of his own :-).I admit. I was

Do you really know what you are capable of?

March 23, 2022 When you decide to start jogging, you don’t enter a marathon a week later. When you take up painting as a hobby, you don’t attempt a Van Gogh at your first lesson. And when you start to declutter you don’t go straight for the most difficult part! I often get asked, “What must I

You don’t paint a Van Gogh at your first painting lesson!

March 18, 2022 I have been holding onto these dresses for ages! Well, literally between 10 to 14 years!!! And I have not worn them once since then. Not once! Not that I didn’t want to. But because my body had changed since I had children and more importantly, I have changed. But I have been holding

Go get those clothes from under your bed!

March 15, 2022 Absolutely everything in life has its ups and downs. Well, at least everything worth it. You will have good days and you will have bad days. And you will have a lot of those in-between days.I believe those are the more dangerous ones. The days when nothing really happens, when not much is

Don’t settle for the in-between days!

March 10, 2022 Are you sure you want to stay on the couch?When my first boy reached the age of three we thought we had it nailed. He understood the concept that each little decision he made had a consequence. That made discipline so much easier. With a simple, “You can choose to make it enjoyable

Are you sure you want to stay on the couch?

March 1, 2022 A little while back it was Two’s-Day on 22 February 2022. Our boys’ tutor asked if they would dress up in items that start with a T. For example, takkies, ties, tiaras, or tutus. I thought it was a great idea!!! But as you can see in the photo, my boys did not.

Not in the mood!!!

February 24, 2022 Want to know what I do when I feel disgruntled, angry, or just plain miserable? I throw stuff out!!! As much as I can find that is not adding any value to our life. I take a walk through my home and open every drawer and cupboard and take out everything that can go.

Letting go makes you feel better!!!

February 22, 2022 My boy turned 5 and of course, we had to have a party this weekend! But being where we are on our journey of living more with less we did not have the adequate space to host the size of party he imagined. So …! The venue – the beach! Perfect! Loads of space

A change of plans…!

February 17, 2022 So I am trying to get up at 5 am every morning. Today was only the 4th morning. They say it gets easier with time. That it only takes 14 days to create a new habit. I surely hope so, because right now sitting in front of my laptop I feel exhausted. And

Getting up at 5am!

February 15, 2022 This weekend I had the grand idea to hike to a waterfall. I have been yearning to get away from the business and clear my head in wide-open spaces. Just one problem … I didn’t realize just how unfit I was! As we were walking in 30 degrees Celsius, sweating relentlessly I seriously considered sitting

One foot in front of the other…