March 31, 2022
I have been avoiding this moment like forever! Taking my youngest to the dentist. Mainly because I did not have the energy for the possible meltdown, or even worse … what if I could not even get him onto that chair? He has quite a will of his own :-).
I admit. I was afraid. That forever lurking fear of failure. Such a liar!!! But I just love it when this beautiful bright world we live in still surprises me.
When we eventually went to the dentist that little human walked into the room and climbed onto that huge chair without any hesitation. He was so brave and opened his mount with a big, “AAAaaaaa!”. It was so easy. I could hardly believe what was happening. I expected so much worse. I had these pictures in my head of him kicking and screaming and we all trying to keep him down in the chair. Absolute chaos:-(!
But before I knew it he was off the chair and smiling at me. Very impressed with himself. If I knew it was going to be this easy I would have brought him ages ago already. But how could I have known?
And the same applies to you. How can you possibly know what you are capable of if you don’t try? How can you possibly know what will happen if you never take that first box or bag and start to declutter? You can procrastinate and not do anything because you believe you don’t have the energy for what you think is going to happen. Or just like me … you can be pleasantly surprised. For all you know you might become so good at taking back control of your home that you can even start helping other women who are struggling with the same challenges. Just a thought!
Don’t let the fear of something that is most probably never going to happen, keep you from what your heart is longing for. Fear is a liar!
{Heart} this if you need to face some of your fears.