March 1, 2022
A little while back it was Two’s-Day on 22 February 2022. Our boys’ tutor asked if they would dress up in items that start with a T. For example, takkies, ties, tiaras, or tutus. I thought it was a great idea!!! But as you can see in the photo, my boys did not. On a scale of 1 to 10 their enthusiasm was somewhere below 2. I could hardly get a smile out of them.
After a lot of begging, I eventually convinced them to put on their takkies, but I had to call in the help of Dad to get those ties around their necks. They were not impressed with me. So I gave them a choice … they can either wear takkies and ties OR I am going to find some tiaras and tutus for them to put on. With that threat, I at least got them in the car.
Needless to say … the day ended up being great fun! Doing all kinds of silly things with their takkies and ties. They couldn't stop talking on our way back home. But I did not dare tell them … I could have told you so!
A lot of times we are also not in the mood to do things that need to get done. Like decluttering our homes. We cannot see how it can be any fun. Just the mere thought to declutter feels like walking around with takkies and a tie on a scorching hot summer's day.
But if we were just more aware of how it was going to make us feel to have decluttered our homes, how it can change our lives, the impact it is going to have on our relationships, our health, our happiness … we would have started gladly even if we are not in the mood.
If you are going to wait to declutter until you feel like doing it, you are most probably going to wait a very long time. We cannot always trust our emotions. Sometimes we have to override them and make some decisions that are going to be good for us. Rather just put on your proverbial takkies and tie and get going. You will have so many good stories to tell.
Hit the reply button with a 'like' if you need some motivation to get going with decluttering!