July 22, 2022
Yesterday I found these two outside in their self-made den. They were fierce dragon hunters conspiring and mapping on the wall how they were going to catch a very rare dragon called Night Fury. Wood was stacked in the corner of the den pretending to be a fire keeping them warm. They were lost to reality. They had a mission and some serious preparations that needed to be done. Their bows and arrows were lying ready next to them.
So I thought it wise not to interrupt them just then to come and do their chores. It could wait.
Our imagination … our mind is a very powerful playground. I mean approximately 3000BC someone wrote on The Emerald Tablet, “As within, so without”. Basically saying that what we think about most is what we will become.
Even the Bible says in Romans that whatever we set our minds on is the life that we will live.
This is nothing new! We are what we think. Thoughts become things. We should choose our thoughts wisely. We cannot afford to let our thoughts and minds run havoc with us.
So instead of focusing on failure, loss, and disappointment, rather choose to think about what you want. Use your imagination. See it in your dreams. Your decluttered home. Your restored marriage. Happy children. Fun-filled holidays. And feel the joy!
The boys came running in from outside. I had to come and look immediately. They caught the most terrifying but amazing dragon and I had to help them find food for it. So off we went …